
Are You Hurt on the Job? Here are Three Reasons You Need a Yuma Workers’ Comp Attorney

If you sustain injuries in the workplace, you must inform your employer about them right away and seek immediate medical attention. Also, you must speak with a workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as possible because you may need to fight for the compensation you need. If you want to get the maximum compensation you deserve, click here to know more about your options. 

Recovering workers’ comp benefits without an attorney’s assistance can lead to unnecessary delays and outright denial. Arizona’s workers’ comp system is complicated enough that you need a legal expert to help you navigate it. Also, your employer and their insurer may not have your best interest in mind. So, here are reasons you need a workers’ compensation attorney:

You are Badly Hurt

Even if you believe you only sustain minor injuries that do not qualify for workers’ comp benefits, a lawyer can verify if you have a case. But if you sustain serious injuries, the more you need a lawyer who will help you pursue the compensation you deserve. Serious injuries can require extensive and even long-term medical treatment. As a result of these injuries, you may not be able to go to work and provide for your family. Workers’ compensation benefits can compensate for these losses.

You Must Know What Kind of Benefits You Qualify For

You may be entitled to disability compensation for your work-related injuries or long-term Social Security Disability benefits, depending on your circumstances. Your attorney can determine what benefits you deserve to get. They are aware of the difference and the way the claims process differs for these benefits. 

Your Claim Can be Denied

Even if you think you have a good relationship with your employer, they may not be on your side when you have to claim benefits. Your employer may need to consider their bottom line and the impact of your claim on their insurance premiums. They and their attorney want to ensure you get as little as possible or nothing at all. Sometimes, you may feel your employer will retaliate against you for filing a claim. Your lawyer will ensure you are protected from this adverse action and that you get compensation based on your financial and medical needs. They ensure your claim is handled properly and you get the full compensation you deserve that covers your medical bills, wage loss, and pain and suffering because of your workplace injuries.